Thursday, February 21, 2013

--> spankful for Bas :)

  1. Hi Elle,
    This is my first comment here. But I hope to come back.
    BTW, great blogname: DD Fire, I have already seen some of that fire in your posts. I hope your fireman is really good at extinguishing.
    Communication is the core of every DD relation. 
    I have even made it a rule: always tell everything. It is forbidden to just tell what you think the other likes to hear.
    Oh, and rules work both ways!

    Please, could you get rid of the word verification?

My very first comment from Bas was so helpful. Always tell everything. Not just what you think the other likes to hear. It rang true then and still rings true now. :) 
Lol. Plus, he helped me get rid of that awful word verification ;)

Thanks for being there for all of us, Bas!! It's clear all of Blogland appreciates you and your lovely other half and the stories, wisdom, and love you share with all of us!



  1. LOVE that he's so honest to even admit he hates the word verification! ;) But then again, who of us actually like it? lol

  2. LOL!! That must have been right after PK began her anti-captcha campaign. Bas helped you get rid of that and helped someone else increase font size.

    Happy Spankful for Bas Day!

  3. Bas is always so helpful isn't he Elle. ;)

    Happy Spankful for Bas Day!


  4. Always tell everything...THAT's words of wisdom (Basdom) there. :)

  5. Thanks for sharing Elle, such very wise words from Bas indeed - and he helped with the word verification!

