Monday, as predicted, didn't really get to see Fireman until late. We sat near each other on our sofa, he had a late dinner, and I probably dozed off. Bedtime hasn't really been a consistent rule.. I find myself not paying much attention to the time.
Yesterday I did laundry all day. (Yay me!). I haven't gotten it all put away yet, but I will. We were invited out to dinner and decided to go, since we were both tired and didn't feel much like making dinner.
I visited a relative in the hospital (she's fine, nothing serious) and ended up staying with her all night. It was her first night there, I knew she was worried and sometimes her husband sucks. He's not an HoH at all :(
I came home super early and got fireman out of bed. I had completely intended to shower with him, but I sat down on the sofa while he was getting his things together and kinda fell into a daze. Of course the hospital staff had been in and out all night, sleeping in a recliner isn't my comfy bed, and I was trying to be awake when she was so I could help if she needed.
It clicked when I heard him open the bathroom door. Missed opportunity. I thought you'd come in and shower with me. I actually meant to and I'm not really sure what happened. Come and talk to me for a minute. What? Talk about what? Just come and talk to me, I didn't get to talk to you at all last night. (I really was thinking he meant for maintenance, which we've never done morning maintenance, but anything is possible. I was just too tired for it...). He finished getting his work stuff together and finished getting dressed while we talked about nothing in particular.
Tonight is another busy evening. Our girls have a class they take, then I have an exercise class I've already committed to attending (that was before the getting little-to-no sleep last night..).
I will be home plenty early before bedtime.. And he will probably join me in my shower, I'm almost positive he will. We'll have to see what happens after ;)
Oh PS, hop over to Ami's page and send her some well wishes. She and her hubby have a difficult road ahead and I know she could use all the love she can get :)